I know there are only a few of us on this list right now, but I just wanted to say Thank You for bearing with us while we got the mailing list set up right. Finally, now whenever I post a new blog it will go out to my mailing list the following morning at 9 a.m. Arizona time. I promise to not be pest. I’ll only post a new blog about twice per month once we finish testing. 🙂
For those of you who didn’t sign up for this list but are receiving this message anyway, I added your name and email address from my hotmail account address book. If you would prefer to not receive future blogs, please click the “unsubscribe” button below.
Thanks for hanging in there. Please tell all your friends about MoSewsMemories and this blog. Also, here are a couple of snippets you can use to help us spread the word on Facebook and Twitter:
For Facebook, please use this bit of text:
Want to turn your memories into cherished heirlooms? Visit http://MoSewsMemories.com. To subscribe, click the Click Here link in the upper right side OR to go directly to the subscription form, please visit http://eepurl.com/I-ASH. Please feel free to share this! Thanks!
And for Twitter, please tweet this:
Turn your memories into cherished heirlooms! http://MoSewsMemories.com or subscribe at http://eepurl.com/I-ASH. #heirlooms #memories
Thanks so much for helping me get this fledgling endeavor off the ground!